Russia is the biggest world country!
It is situated in 2 world parts – Europe and Asia. Due to its geopolitical position, Russia absorbed only the best has to offer West and East! Traditions, culture, cuisine of many nations founded their way in this country!
Indeed, if you are traveling around the country, you will find no one similar place on the whole territory. Mountains, fields, deserts, highlands, volcanoes, rivers, lakes, seas, magnificent cities, huge megalopolises and backwoods with the rich history… All of this is Russia!
Name: Russia, Russian Federation
Foundation date: 862 AD
Capital: Moscow (+ non-official St. Petersburg and Kazan)
Territory: 17 098 246 km² (1st in the world)
Form of government: Presidential Republic
Head of state: President of the Russian Federation (Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin)
Population: 143,369,806 people
Time: Russia has nine time zones (from MSK-1 to MSK+8). In the European part of Russia mainly is a Moscow time GMT+4
Language: Russian. There is a second language in the republics that make up Russia. In big cities there are a lot of english and german speaking people.
Currency: Russian Ruble. Others currencies (for exs. dollars or euros) are not accepted for payment on the territory of Russia
Religion: Russia is a secular state. Most of the population is Orthodox. In some regions the dominant religion is Islam (North Caucasus, the Volga Republics). On the borders with Mongolia and Kazakhstan ethnic population is a follower of Buddhism.
Customs: Prohibits the importation and exportation of goods with a historical value, weapons, animals and plants included in the list of endangered spiciest. Full information on customs regulations can be found on the official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia.
Visa formalities: Russian visas is issued in the Embassy or Consulate General of the Russian Federation in your country. Tour operator “VT-Service” Co. Ltd. offers free registration of tourists invitations for individual travelers as well as groups (for specific tour dates). Please note, that Russia has visa-free relations with many countries. Full list of countries whose citizens do not need visas to enter Russia you can find on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Dialing code: +7
Internet domains: .su, .ru, .рф
Electricity: Mains voltage is 220 V, 50 Hz. The hotels used European standard are equipped with European-style outlets.
Why Russia?
1. Russian Culture
Russia - given the multi-ethnic nature of the population - has a high degree of ethnic and cultural diversity. Most important factor in Russian material and spiritual culture was the impact of Orthodoxy, as well as various forms of paganism - professed at different times by local residents, and significant external influence, in particular, the Mongol-Tatar and Western Europe. Appropriate to the diverse heritage to some extent be traced in almost all forms of national art. All this color is reflected in today's Russia, where each region is different. Traveling to Russia, you will be amazed by its culturally variety, a brilliant combination of Eastern and Western cultures, astounding beauty of Russian cities and the provinces!
2. Russian Literature
Since ancient times, Russian literature was one of the most profound, philosophical, and great in the world! Almost every person on the planet knows the names of such Russian classics as Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Pushkin, Lev Tolstoy and Vladimir Nabokov. Throughout his time Russian literature experienced a lot of ups and downs, which absorbs all the experiences of the Russian nation. Thus appeared is not only a famous Russian fairy tales, limericks, folk, but also rock solid product of the "Golden Age of Russian literature" (works of Pushkin, Fyodor Dostoevsogo, Lermontov, Tolstoy, A. Chekhov and many others). At the end of XIX century Russian literature was entered a new period "Silver Age." Among its prominent representatives are Maxim Gorky, Mayakovsky, Sergei Esenin, Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Blok, Marina Tsvetaeva. Considerable contribution made the Soviet period (M. Shelohov "Tikhiy Don" Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago," Boris Vasilyev "A zory zdes' tikhie ..." Alexander Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago" and even the world's first novel dystopia E. Zamyatin "We"). Despite all the diversity and differences of these works, they share something in common, namely the philosophical view of the life of man in the world, the depth of the human soul and mind.
In many cities of Russia kept apartments and houses of famous Russian classics, which function as museums and can not wait to tell you about the writer you are interested, to show his everyday life, the environment and even the original things that belonged to them.
3. Russian painting
No doubt, Russian painting has left a huge contribution to the world cultural heritage. In it one can single out the following areas: iconography (A. Rublev), Europeanized realism (K. Briullov "The Last Days of Pompeii," Vasnetsov "Three Warriors" Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" Aivazovsky "The Ninth Wave") and avant-garde (supermatizm with cubism), the best-known author and its symbol is Kazmer Malevich and his famous "Black Square".
To get acquainted with iconography and religious themes in Russian art, we invite you to visit the temples, churches and cathedrals in Moscow, St. Petersburg, in the cities of the "Golden Ring" of Russia. And in order to admire the famous secular paintings, visit the State Russian Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery.
4. Russian architecture
Russian architecture, on the one hand, developing national traditions (in the first place) of wooden architecture, on the other hand, the stone and brick buildings of worship follows a tradition whose roots were established in the Byzantine Empire. After the reforms of Peter the Great Russian Empire were imported from Europe such styles as "baroque", "classicism", "eclectic", "modern", but all of them, settling on our land, absorbed the piece of "Russian identity" and of course, the "Russian soul"! Soviet period gave a new meaning to the Russian architecture and in addition to the luxury homes in style of "Stalin's Empire" (the famous "Seven Stalinist skyscrapers" in Moscow and Moscow Avenue in St. Petersburg), big in its scope areas, museums, ensembles, Soviet architects built model homes for workers, who to this day are sleeping areas of Russian cities. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there are a lot of skyscrapers and even their ensembles were began to appear in Russia (Moscow City, Grozny City, skyscrapers in Kazan, Yekaterinburg and other cities).
The historic center of St. Petersburg, a complex of churches in Kizhi, Moscow Kremlin and Red Square, the historical monuments of Novgorod, Naryn-Kala fortress in Derbent are important architectural landmarks of Russia, are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
5. Russian Music and Theater
Russian music is very diverse, interesting, beautiful, melodic, and, like everything in this country full of deep meaning! Russian folk music originated in the folklore of the Slavic tribes in the territory of Kievan Rus. Since the ethnic composition of the population was very diverse, Russian music is included, except for Slavic, also Finno-Ugric, Turkic, and many others. Who has never heard about Russian ditties, romances, "Kalinka" and "Katyusha", he does not know anything about Russia.
In addition to Russian folk music classics have given the world such works as "Swan Lake", "Nutcracker", "Boris Godunov", "Eugene Onegin", "Ivan Susanin".
We offer you look and listen to these products in the Russian theater, which school has more than three centuries and is, rightly, one of the best in the world! Coming to Russia, be sure to visit the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg and the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.
6. Russian folf, art and crafts
Folk tales, fairy tales, typical for the peoples of Russia, brought to us the wisdom of the people from time immemorial. Chastushka - a short Russian folk song, usually humorous, usually transmitted orally. Chastushka is part of folklore.
Arts and crafts in Russia were formed on the basis of folk art, which, thanks to professional artists and business people in the early XX century, transformed into a professional decorative art: Dymkovo toy, Orenburg shawl, Khokhloma, Gzhel, and of course the famous Russian doll!
On returning home from Russia do not forget to buy a couple of souvenirs with folklore themes. This will not only pleasant gift to friends and family, but it will remind you of the unforgettable days spent in Russia!
7. Russian cuisine
For centuries, Russia has always loved to eat! And to this day it is impossible imagine a traditional Russian feast without red caviar, bliny (russian pancakes), borsch, sour cream, black rye bread, kvass, and of course, the well known Russian vodka.
On Russian cuisine is largely reflected its geopolitical position, namely, vast areas of fertile land, the abundance of rivers and lakes. The basis of Russian cuisine are dishes of various grains (rye, wheat, buckwheat, etc.). Pies coocked from dough on rye or wheat flour. Pie filling was meat, fish, cottage cheese, berries. At the stuffing added porridge, noodles, eggs, mushrooms. Baked as sdobny bread - Karavai. Other furnace products: fritters, bliny (russian pancakes), perepichi.
It is traditional to a variety of soups, among which the most famous are the Cabbage soup, Borsch, Salsola, Ear, and Okroshka.
Traditional Russian dressing and milk product is a sour cream, which is charged with soups and salads. Other Russian milk product is cottage cheese of which prepare cottage cheese pancakes.
As in other Christian countries, a great influence in the kitchen had a church, as more than half of the days in the year were meatless, where certain categories of products were banned. That is why the Russian national cuisine is dominated by mushroom and fish dishes, dishes of grain, vegetables, berries and herbs.
During the trip to Russia necessarily look into a Russian restaurant and enjoy traditional Russian dishes. And you can be sure you'll like them!
8. And, of course, the famous "Russian hospitality" and the "Russian soul"!
Come to us in Russia. You will like it!
We are waiting for you!